Tips for Insuring Your Teen Driver
The idea of your teen first getting behind the wheel can be a scary and exciting experience. On one hand, you won’t have to drive them everywhere they need to go and it’s a step toward adulthood. On the other, there are many dangers on the road your teen could face, including their own inexperience.
Beyond choosing the perfect vehicle, it is crucial to make sure your teen is covered under the right insurance.
Policy Options
Rather than setting up an independent policy for your teen driver, consider adding them as an additional driver on your Auto insurance policy. Typically, this is the most cost-effective option. Also, if you have more than one vehicle, designate which vehicle your child will be driving. The newer the car, the more expensive the coverage will be.
You should also consider what coverage will be on the policy. If your teen is driving an older vehicle, full coverage may not be required, but it is still recommended to cover all of the possible dangers that your teen may face on the road. Full coverage for your teen may include:
Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive coverage provides compensation for damages to the vehicle caused by fire, wind, hail, lightning, smoke, theft and other incidents not involving collision.
Collision Coverage: Collision coverage provides compensation for damages to the vehicle caused by a collision with another vehicle or object, such as if your teen hits a curb.
Liability: Liability coverage provides compensation for bodily injury and property damage your teen may cause someone else while operating the vehicle.
Medical Payments Coverage: Medical payments coverage provides medical bill compensation for your teen and their passengers after an accident, no matter who is at fault.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist: This insurance covers damages involved in an accident with another driver who is not carrying insurance.
Deductible Considerations
Auto deductibles typically range from $250 to $1,000. By raising your deductible and utilizing your insurance for big repairs, you can significantly reduce your premium. If you lease or finance a car, the leasing or financing company may require a deductible cap of $500.
Saving Money on Your Teen’s Car Insurance
Auto insurance premiums typically skyrocket when you add another teen to a policy, even if it’s on their own. Save money on car insurance with simple tips such as:
Consider raising your deductible
Ask about a good student discount
Have your teen keep up their good driving record
Enroll your teen in driver’s education
Ask about our multi-policy discounts