Will Your Auto Insurance Policy Pay for Medical Rehabilitation?
After a car accident, the long-term impact can be more serious than you thought possible. In some situations, men and women face medical care and surgeries. They lose time at work. In some situations, you may even find you need rehab to get back to where you want to be. Will your auto insurance cover these costs? This depends on a variety of factors.
Your Typical Auto Insurance Policy
If you have car insurance, the policy lists what it covers specifically. Then, based on what occurred during the incident, you can determine if you have coverage.
Someone Else Is Responsible for Your Losses
Let’s say you are in an accident someone else caused. That driver’s insurance should cover most or all your losses. This includes all losses you have, including medical losses. Work closely with your attorney to calculate what that insurer owes to you. It should include both immediate losses and long-term care needs. It includes medical rehabilitation.
You Caused the Incident to Occur
Most often, if you are in a car accident, your health insurance policy should pay for any medical care you need. However, your auto insurance may or may not cover losses. This depends on the type of coverage you have.
When you cause an accident and damage your car, collision insurance may cover your vehicle’s repair needs. It may cover damage to any aspect of the vehicle. It does not, however, cover your medical losses.
Rather, if you have medical payments coverage, you may have some financial protection here. This includes coverage for the medical costs that apply to your accident. It never covers medical care related to a preexisting condition, though. For example, if you have back pain for years, being in a car accident does not mean your insurance now covers those back pains. On the other hand, if the back pain did not start until after the accident, the policy should cover those losses.
If you have car insurance for medical losses, it should pay all costs related to the incident. This includes medical rehabilitation. Your insurer may wish to verify with a doctor that you need this type of care. Keep in mind, however, that you should always use health insurance as your primary policy, before turning to your car insurance.
Without proper insurance, you may have to pay out of pocket for such losses. Most often, health insurance policies can provide protection as well. Work with all of your insurance providers to find out how best you can get the care you need paid for.